Warning: sentimental post ahead

It’s official - we survived the research proposals ( & I even managed to breathe this time)! To be fair I feel this assignment was really useful for getting practice in how to go about coming up with a research plan. We had to break down a mountain of a problem into a bite sized chunk and come up with a series of practically feasible experiments to tackle the real-world question. It was exciting to listen to everyone’s amazing proposals - I can only imagine what my 109 fam will go on to accomplish in their professional careers!
I have thoroughly enjoyed spending time with them all, even when that entails commiserating at 1am in stud 5 about the massive amount of work we have left to do. Some academic environments can be cutthroat but my experience with others in 109 has been anything but. While some friendly rivalry exists between teams to produce the “prettiest” data, all in all it’s amazing how supportive everyone is. From memes and words of encouragement in the group chat, to helping each other practice for presentations, we have developed a real sense of community. This class has provided the most positive collaboration experience I have had to date, and I am sad that we will no longer be meeting regularly, but I look forward to seeing everyone around the ‘tute.


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