Anything worthwhile is going to take effort

Module 1 has been a whirlwind for sure. Time seems to have flown by since the beginning of the semester. The workload in 109 is definitely non-negligible, but it feels like a valuable investment as we are getting to actually learn and practice modern research techniques. Just earlier today I was testing my mini presentation on my sister who had come up from Florida to visit. She was shocked to hear that I was getting to do "real" science. I feel like 109 is really preparing me for life after MIT. By actually learning and practicing modern techniques I am growing more confident in my ability to be a "real" scientist - be that in grad school or industry.
In addition to gaining technical skills, I feel like I am gaining very practical experience in scientific communication. I had been particularly dreading taking 109 because I don't particularly enjoy writing or practicing "soft skills" like communication in general. I have grown in appreciation for the practicality of what we learn in the class though. We have explored especially common and relevant communication contexts such as writing for journal articles and giving elevator pitches, and as a result I have grown more confident in my ability to communicate my science - a skill I know is critical for any successful researcher.
It has been work - yes - but also fun, and we have gained so much practical experience (and its only Mod 1!). I think I have bonded more with my classmates and faculty in 109 than in other classes; we commiserate about the incessant stream of work to be done but also shared in a sense of accomplishment with each task as we grow together. Looking forward to Mod 2!

side note: another thing I learned so far - keeping pants at the lab so I never forget them!


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