Done with the research article!!! Onwards!!!

Turned in my research article right before 10 pm yesterday and immediately felt relieved. That was enormously rewarding but also enormously tiring. I am proud of what I've learned in this module! I feel like I've gotten a better grasp of the field of genetic/metabolic engineering and am excited to learn about the new developments in CRISPR such as "Prime Editing", discussed in Journal Club. It's pretty crazy that a technique could be considered so transformative that it convinced Nature to publish a preprint before peer review or any other regulations could delay it. Seriously, has any other paper had this statement printed at the top of it:

This is an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. Nature Research are providing this early version of the manuscript as a service to our customers. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting and a proof review before it is published in its final form. Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers apply.


The ingenuity is in the details, I think. One has to really know the mechanism of DNA-RNA hybridization to be able to dream up this kind of technique. I am really inspired by all the applications of CRISPR and am thankful that this module taught us both the background information (How did CRISPR start? What are the major molecular players involved?) and also gave us the opportunity to explore and present on current research in the field. I feel like this module flew by really fast and would have loved to explore the power of CRISPR further, but I am also looking forward to the final module of the course in Chemical Biology. I am excited to inherit these experiments from past semesters and feel like I am truly doing cutting edge science in this class. Onwards to Mod 3!!!!!!


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