That was long!

Sunday, 1:45pm... I just submitted my research article and figures.  Once again, I wanted to finish early so that I could get started on 7.06 studying for Wednesday.  Unlike last time, I didn't get to use this long weekend for exciting travels, but at least Thanksgiving is coming up.

For me, the strangest part of this assignment was that I effortlessly reached the page maximum.  I definitely poured many hours into this assignment, but I never felt that usual feeling of trying to think of things to write to fill the pages.  Rather, I had so much I wanted to say.  I could have kept going and filled many more pages.

This was very unusual for me.  When I was younger, I used to love reading and writing. But when senior year of high school came around, I really became sick of it.  Writing my senior paper on a topic I was not interested in, typing endless responses to supplemental college essays, and struggling to fill pages with words about boring books in AP English really wore me out.  At MIT, I haven't done much writing.  I took a CI-H about the history of treating cancer, but the essay topics were not interesting to me. My other CI-H was about American theater, which really did not pertain to my passions.  I think this was the first writing assignment I have completed in many years about something that I am actually excited about. 

Overall, I expected this assignment to be a huge challenge for me because I thought that MIT had removed any remnants of writing ability and enthusiasm that I once had.  However, this was far from the case.  Writing about exciting advances in science and analyzing my own results was very cool for me.  I now feel ready to take on more writing in the future!


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