A Star is Born: The rise of snail slime

A few things and post-proposal thoughts: 
- distinguishing between slugs and snails is really a lot of thinking. the words are really similar

- the wound healing schematic in old papers are so ugly. I'm so glad bio-render exists now-
hopefully figures and schematics will be better looking from now on. 

- a lesson learned from journal club: have supplemental figures/evidence prepared for the Q/A section

- I wonder how many times I said um this time...thankfully I won't find out b/c this wasn't recorded :)

- Helvetica Nueu is really a nice font !! it makes everything look sciencey

- snail slime really is the GOAT

- I forgot that saliva exists in the mouth...oops

- it turns out SNAIL (the gene, not the animal) is also a regulator of embryonic development!! people really do name proteins weird things!!

- doing a lot of background reading is really interesting when the topic is cool!!

- the hardest part is picking methods to use-- it's really tempting to try to use spicy and cool attention-grabbing methods, but really, using the simplest way to answer the question is the way to go

- I read somewhere that planning out a research inquiry should be like a tree, where you have multiple branches at all times-- that way, if a branches dies, there's still a path forward. We tried to do that with this proposal, and I think it made it stronger. 

- what face are you supposed to make when you're not talking? do you look at the crowd? at your slides? who knows? if anyone has ideas please let me know. 

- three major assignments in three days!! is this a new life milestone or something!!

- snacks make life better; thank you leslie and noreen for the tasty snacks

This post is brought to you by Helvetica Neue, snails, lots of sugar, and post-hell week endorphins. 


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