"Set aside the paper for several days".....

Yes this is the first journal-like manuscript that I have ever prepared and the teaching team helped A LOT with its creation. What I found most helpful was office hours and talking to Becky about my plan of what I wanted my story to be. Indeed we went through many many possible conclusions I could make with the data that was given but eventually determined that they were all not very viable. Therefore I did a quick 360 and changed my target from ethanol to acetate without having much info on how I should frame my introduction which complicated things a bit. 

It was also extremely difficult to complete this assignment on time. I had my methods completed but only received my data on Wednesday. After Wednesday I tried to do as much as I could by analyzing the data and looking at some graphs by the end of the week. After Friday I had a direction for my data but wasn't yet totally sure about it. Saturday I had my NEWMAC Championship game and was gone most of the day and pooped by the time I returned so I worked on it a bit but didn't get much done. Now I was left with Sunday and Monday. I went to office hours, figured out a plan, and worked for the entire day Sunday and found out around midnight that my team would be leaving on Tuesday morning at 9 am to travel to our next game in the NCAA tournament (therefore I could no longer plan on turning the paper in a day late). I went to the Comm Lab and worked all day Monday until the due date and turned it in. 

The Comm Lab was somewhat helpful but it would have been more helpful if I had had more done before the appointment. I went in knowing this but had no other time to get more of the paper done beforehand so it is what it is. 

Overall, the Comm Lab is a good resource but the teaching team is more helpful because they have a full knowledge of the experiments and things we are doing. 


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