Dear Past Me...

Dear past me... You'll never get the chance to read this... because you no longer exist but...

You made it!

You have officially almost conquered 109. All that's left is the mini report!

I'm proud of you... Here are some updates from this semester:

  1. You've fallen head over heels in love with Kombucha (pineapple peach and raspberry lemon specifically. Playin' it safe).
  2. You may have developed a caffeine addiction (or is it just that caffeinated drinks taste good)... but it's okay! You'll detox over IAP.
  3. You got your mojo back! Girl... this week was rough but you've been dressing nice or whatever
  4. You made a lot of friends in this class... and you just unleashed all your weirdness on them... Lab was like home away from home...
  5. And I guess you also gained a lot of confidence in you abilities as a bio-engineer and scientific communicator or whatever
The research proposal thought is could beat you and you won so now rest and recover. I love you very much. 

Dear future me... I'm too lazy to write you a letter. Good bye. 


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