Falling down the rabbit hole

20.109 is essentially done..... (I'm sorry I know I started the sentence with a number). The class was a lot at times and the assignments seemed to never cease, but now that I've reached the end, I'm so happy with everything I've learned, the people I've gotten to know, and the things I was able to achieve. Of everything, my favorite assignment so far had to be the Mod 3 research proposal. I loved being able to choose any problem/research question and going through the ideation process. My partner and I realized we had a lot of mutual interests and inevitably landed on the topic of male contraceptives. I have never been so excited to read research papers and discover new avenues to address our problem. I don't know if this is biased by the fact that I was focused on male contraceptives at the moment, but everywhere I looked the topic would appear. From tweets on Twitter to posts on Instagram to articles on MIT News, everyone was talking about male contraceptives. The sad part of being fully immersed in the project, was that my partner and I saw so many potential solution methods, but we heartbreakingly had to choose one path.

Overall, this assignment showed me how big of a nerd I am. I found myself geeking out over science and different methods and I thank 20.109 for reigniting this flame of excitement in bioengineering. 


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