I like icecream

The research article was hard. but the research proposal is way way way way way way way harder. we had to go through the literature for weeks, and it was hard to finally choose a project that we are all interested in. we all liked ice cream. jk it wasnt us, collin did. and collin was lactose intolerant. so we want to help him eat ice cream.

anyway, the point is, i learned so much during this assignment. even though i had experience with research in my UROP,  coming up with your own ideas and developing a rigorous method is a totally different thing. i am glad we did it and i have no doubt that this helps me understand what an actual scientist/ engineer does!

i want to thank the staff for walking us through this whole project (and the amazing snack!!) and everyone in the class for being sooo supportive. that is all and i am looking forward to taking more classes with yall!! <3


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